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5000 Research Ct. Suite 500
Suwanee, GA 30024

Back Pain

A Message From Dr. Julie Brooks Sterling, PT, DPT, MTC, CSCS, Owner and Physical Therapist at Sterling Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy

It’s common to believe that back pain is insignificant and will go away on its own. It’s also common to blame it on “awkward sleeping,” a “spasm,” or something “everyone” suffers from at some point…

There is no obvious reason for it, but it does not appear to be changing!

If this is happening to you, you are not alone; we hear stories like this all the time. The most common problem we see in our clinic is lower back pain and sciatica!

And when it comes to living with back pain, everyone we see is curious…

“How Come This Is Happening to Me?” or, “Why Am I Still in Pain After Putting up With It for 3-6 Months? (Sometimes Longer!)”

When we experience back pain, the majority of us believe it will go away on its own.

We believe there is a magical moment when you wake up one morning and your problem has vanished. But 6 months later, you’re dealing with even worse chronic back pain – often much worse than you were before.

Does That Describe You?

One of the most frustrating things we see in our clinic is people coming in with chronic lower back pain and telling us their previous doctor told them to “rest” and take pain relievers. What is the issue? It’s not working! They would have returned to their doctor, frustrated and in pain if they had not visited our clinic.

Has Something Similar Happened to You?

It’s difficult to know what’s best for your back pain. You’ve been told so many different things by people in positions of authority. Unfortunately, the majority of it is useless!

It’s not just about what you do when it hurts, but also how frequently you do it. The more frequently an area becomes weaker or an injury worsens as a result of poor movement and posture, the more difficult it will be to work that part of your body. If we do not take steps to restore balance through strengthening exercises designed specifically for those areas, we will experience chronic pain.

Back pain is often a confusing issue that people just accept as “the way things are”. What else could explain why backache lasts so long? It can be difficult to know what to do because there have been so many different instructions given by different sources, with little credibility behind them all!

Do You Have the Same Thoughts?

If You Have Back Pain, Here Are 7 More Reasons Why It May Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:

1.It didn’t go away on its own, but you expected it to.

2.The doctors told you to rest and take pain relievers, but they did nothing to help your back; once the pills wore off, the chronic pain returned.

3.Back pain affects everyone as they age, so you just accepted it for what it was.

4.You had previously tried other healthcare professionals or a physical therapist, but nothing they said or did seem to help.

5.You tried YouTube exercises, but they either didn’t work or made your back pain worse.

6.Your back pain was so severe that you thought resting would alleviate it, but it only made matters worse.

7.You decided to get a few “massages” in the hopes that they would relieve your pain, but all they did was make you feel nice and relaxed and did nothing to help you in the long run.
You’ve tried everything and it’s still hurting? You don’t have to suffer any longer.

If any of these things have happened to you, we’d love to assist you by inviting you to a free phone call with one of our knowledgeable back specialists who specialize in helping people like you get relief from chronic low-back pain problems.

Simply click the link provided below!

“How Can I Get Rid of My Back Pain Fast?” …

So, here are four things you can do:

1.First and foremost, you must decide whether or not to seek assistance: Thinking that your back pain will simply go away with time is a big mistake. As many of us know, it doesn’t work that way, and you’ll still be putting up with an uncomfortable situation six months later when what you need is a program that WORKS combined with some simple changes in your daily life to avoid repeating this cycle!

2.Next, do the RIGHT exercises: The right series of exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist will help you reduce your back pain and regain your freedom of movement. These are some excellent methods for getting rid of it quickly, so don’t delay!

3.Avoid sitting and long periods of rest: Sitting on a sofa for an extended period can aggravate your back pain. You need more movement and exercise, as well as hands-on treatment from physical therapists who understand how important it is to get healthy as soon as possible!

4.Real, “hands-on” Physical Therapy: Physical therapy can make a huge difference for people suffering from low-back pain. At Sterling Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy, this is a common injury that we want to help you recover from as soon as possible!

Do you want to know how we can help you get back up and running? Call or visit one of our clinics today for a completely free, no-obligation appointment!

Note: We offer this free Total Body Diagnostic session to people who are nervous or skeptical about Physical Therapy, unsure of its benefits, or if it is right for them. If this describes you, please begin with a Free Total Body Diagnostic session so that we can work with you to determine what is wrong and what can be done – with no financial risk to you.

So Here’s the Next Question:

“How Can Choosing Sterling Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy Help You Get Rid of Your Back Pain - In the Next Few Days?”

Here are a few examples of what our Physical Therapy Team can do for you:

We can assist you in resuming your life free of the curse of chronic back pain.

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Sterling Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy in Suwanee, GA

72+ 5-Star Reviews!

- Mike K.

We can’t say enough about Julie, she is an extremely knowledgeable, personable and a well organized therapist. Our daughter is a year round athlete whose back injury sidelined her for the fall. Julie not only wants you to understand the injury she teaches about prevention, proper body mechanics while paying close attention to form during all her one on one therapy sessions. Her customized plans were efficient, thought out and on always on target for our recovery goals. Best therapist out there!

- Mary W.

I was welcomed to Sterling after suffering from a bulging disc and a week stay in the hospital. Not only did they help with the pain (magic) we worked on getting me stronger. We reached both of my goals – to dance with my son at his wedding 3 weeks after beginning physical therapy, and returning to the tennis court 4 weeks after trauma) I am truly grateful for their expertise and caring! I highly recommend Sterling!

- Erika G.


My physical therapy experience could not have gone better. I highly recommend PT Tony who worked with me to resolve the issue and move well beyond it. Tony’s attention to detail & service was outstanding. He focused on pain points and made sure I was able to operate with the end goal in mind, which was a full recovery. I deeply appreciate his experience, patience, and dedication. Tony is very knowledgeable and always willing to go that extra mile to help his patients.