CALL US TODAY (404) 277-9624


5000 Research Ct. Suite 500
Suwanee, GA 30024

Physical Therapy Programs

We treat a variety of traditional orthopedic injuries including but not limited to neck and back pain, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle pain. We treat musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, tendinitis, joint stiffness, arthritis, and sports injuries. We also treat post surgical patients. 

Physical Therapy Evaluation

Comprehensive movement assessment to identify the underlying root cause of the pain/loss of function, development of a program to resolve pain/loss of function and achieve goals.

Physical Therapy Treatment

Progressive program to reduce pain, address mobility, flexibility, strength, and motor coordination deficits so that the patient may return to desired activities and achieve their goals

Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

A clinical assessment for those who experience pain. It is a movement based diagnostic system which systematically finds the cause of pain - not just the source - by logically breaking down dysfunctional movement patterns in a structured, repeatable assessment. The SFMA is the first organized system that takes into account altered motor control – the inability to coordinate proper movements. This system allows us to identify the correct problems - mobility versus motor control – to best equip clinicians for a successful outcomes for our patients.

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy is a clinical approach utilizing specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation/mobilization, used by the physical therapist to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain; increasing range of motion (ROM); reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; inducing relaxation; improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitating movement; and improving function.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

Utilization of tissue mobilization instruments to reduce restrictions of the fascia, breakdown scar tissue, promote blood flow, and facilitate tissue healing.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin mono-filament needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular, and connective tissues for the management of musculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. Dry needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain, rehabilitation from injury, and even pain and injury prevention, with very few side effects.


Utilization of "suction cups" to decrease compression between the fascial and muscular tissue to reduce tissue mobility restriction, restore soft tissue pliability, joint mobility, reduce compensatory movement patterns, and alleviate pain.

ACL Rehabilitation and Return to Play Training

Comprehensive rehabilitation which takes the athlete from early rehab training with emphasis on restoring range of motion, normal walking gait, and quadriceps activation and strengthening to mid stage training focusing on strength and conditioning, balance, and restoring power, and finally through return to play training utilizing reactive training, sport specific work, and skill development.

Running Retraining

Progression of specific exercises to restore mobility, strengthen running specific muscles, and retrain running biomechanics.

Running Analysis

Comprehensive running gait biomechanics and kinetic data analysis, along with a comprehensive movement assessment to identify the root cause of the pain. Development of a program to resolve injury and return to running without pain.

Surface EMG muscle activation training

Live biofeedback so that patients are able to see how well they are recruiting the muscles targeting in their training/exercises. This is invaluable for teaching people what it feels like to fire specific muscles and to have the knowledge that they are integrating firing these muscles into specific movement patterns.

Treatment for CrossFit and Weight lifting Athletes

We perform a comprehensive movement assessment to identify areas of limitation or compensation which may be causing breakdown in movement patterns or pain. Assessment and analysis of squat, deadlifts, olympic movements and more advanced patterns including kipping, pull ups, muscle ups and handstand progressions. Our therapist have the training and knowledge to coach proper sequencing of component motions to minimize injury risk, modify programming during injury and progress back to full workouts. We communicate with your coach or trainer to work together on modifications or alternate lifts to allow you to continue working out while protecting the injured tissue to promote healing and progressive loading back to full movement patterns.

Normatec Compression Boots

Normatec series, using dynamic air compression to advance your wellness, recover faster, improve your training, and maximize your performance. Normatec’s patented precision pulse technology helps to increase circulation, revive muscles, and reduce swelling and has long been the choice of elite athletes and consumers.


The Neubie device is like nothing else you’ve seen. FDA-cleared* and patented, it safely sends direct current signals precisely to where your patient is experiencing pain or muscle movement limitations -- re-educating their muscles by tapping into the power of the nervous system. 1. Identify The “software” of the nervous system controls everything related to health, recovery, and performance. We perform a series of manual muscle tests plus map your body with the NEUBIE to precisely identify the underlying nervous system issues that delay recovery. 2. Reset We use manual therapy and neurological stimulation with the NEUBIE to change those neurological patterns and very quickly re-educate the body back to a state of more normal, optimal functioning. 3. Breakthrough: By working through these restrictions, you can tap into the range of motion, strength, and capacity for pain-free movement that you had all along - it was just lying dormant, unable to be expressed.

Blood Flow Restriction training

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training is a technique that combines low intensity exercise with blood flow occlusion that produces similar results to high intensity training. The aim of BFR training is to mimic the effects of high intensity exercise by recreating a hypoxic environment using a cuff. The cuff is placed proximally to the muscle being exercised and low intensity exercises can then be performed. Because the outflow of blood is limited using the cuff capillary blood that has a low oxygen content collects and there is an increase in protons and lactic acid, the same physiological adaptations to the muscle (eg release of hormones, hypoxia and cell swelling) will take place during the BFR training and low intensity exercise as would occur with high intensity exercise.

What Makes Sterling Sports Medicine PT Different


One on One For A Full Hour With Your Doctor of Physical Therapy, Every Visit

To ensure that you are getting the highest quality of care. Every session will be one on one with a doctor of PT. No aids, no techs. Just individualized care for you with your doctor


24 Hour Response Time

We are 100% committed to your recovery. Throughout your rehab process your therapist will always be accessible for any questions you may have

Holistic Care

You're More Than A Diagnosis

At Sterling Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy PT we take a look at the whole body. We are aware that the location of your pain is not always the cause. Not only do we improve your pain and reduce your symptoms, but we address the root cause of the issue and work to make your body more resilient in order to prevent further injuries.

Cost Transparency

You'll Never Get a Bill From Us Months Later After Your Visit

Unlike many physical therapy clinics- you won’t get any bills months following finishing PT. With Sterling Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy PT you will never be surprised by a bill you were not anticipating.


We Understand the Demands of Your Life and/or Sport

We walk the talk! As physical therapists who exercise and participate in a large variety of activities/sports ourselves we understand what it takes. While many physicians and physical therapists will simply tell you to stop your desired activity we understand that avoiding the things that you enjoy most because of an injury is no way to live. Because of our background we know the importance of keeping you in the activities you love and we find ways to modify your training so you can stay in your sport throughout the rehab process.